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Healthy Pantry & Fridge Staples

Healthy Pantry & Fridge Staples

Healthy Pantry & Fridge Staples

Building a sustainable, lifelong healthy dietary pattern is all about being prepared. If you have key pantry and fridge staples on hand, then you can always pull together a nutritious and balanced meal.

Creating new lists of recipes and groceries every week is not something most people can sustain in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. You need to be able to make quick, balanced meals from go-to items. Focus your efforts on stocking up on healthy pantry and fridge staples and it will pay off in dividends when it comes to your time and health goals. With a well-stocked kitchen you can either make a meal from what you have on hand or you may just need to pick up a few specific ingredients for a recipe you would like to try — no starting from scratch and ending up with a random assortment of ingredients that eventually go to waste.

Check out this list below for my favorite healthy pantry and fridge staples.

Snickers Frozen Yogurt Bites

Snickers Frozen Yogurt Bites

Strawberries & Cream Overnight Oats

Strawberries & Cream Overnight Oats